In the future, buildings will be designed by artificial intelligence (AI). This is not just a bold prediction; this is already happening. In fact, many of today’s cutting-edge architecture projects are being designed using AI tools like computer-aided design (CAD), generative algorithms, and artificial neural networks. The world is on the cusp of an AI architecture revolution. If you are looking for inspiration to build your next AI-powered architectural masterpiece, check out Architect Hari Tahov’s Art Book: AI ART ARCHITECTURE II. It features a collection of cutting-edge projects that used AI to construct unique and beautiful buildings.

What Is AI Architecture?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. When it comes to architecture, AI refers to the use of computer technology to design and construct buildings. AI architecture is an architectural practice that uses artificial intelligence to produce architectural designs. AI architecture can also be referred to as computer-generated architecture (CGA), algorithmic architecture, or synthetic architecture. The idea behind AI architecture is to use computer algorithms to generate architectural designs. These algorithms can be made to produce designs in a variety of styles, including modern, futuristic, and retro architectural styles. Hari Tahov uses AI to design architecture for many different purposes, such as residential buildings, commercial buildings, educational buildings, and health care buildings.


AI tools like computer-aided design (CAD), generative algorithms, and artificial neural networks are used in architecture to design buildings, create building plans, and generate architectural visualizations. AI architecture uses a wide range of computer technologies to design buildings, including computer simulation, computational modelling, and parallel processing. CAD: Computer-aided design software is used in AI architecture to design the initial building design. CAD software is used in all architectural projects, no matter how old-fashioned or modern they are. Generative algorithms: These are computer programs that generate architectural visualizations from architectural designs. The visualizations are architectural models that can be used to create architectural plans. Artificial neural networks: These are computer systems that are designed to mimic the human brain. Artificial neural networks are used in AI architecture to design buildings and generate architectural visualizations.

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Virtual reality (VR) is computer technology that can be used to create simulated environments. VR can be used to create architectural visualizations of futuristic architecture buildings that have not been constructed yet. VR can also be used to design buildings by using artificial intelligence algorithms. VR can be used in architecture to create architectural visualizations. With VR, a computer-generated architectural visualization can be displayed on a computer screen. This architectural visualization can be used to create architectural plans. VR can also be used to design buildings by using artificial intelligence algorithms. VR can be used by architects to create architectural designs, generate architectural visualizations, and create architectural plans. VR can be used by architects in the same way as CAD software.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the fastest growing fields in technology. AI can now be used to help people with a wide range of different tasks, from facial recognition and diagnosing diseases to predicting future events. One area where AI is particularly exciting is architecture. AI is being used to create computer models of buildings, which can then be used to design new buildings that are more energy-efficient and comfortable for people to live in. AI can also help architects predict how a building will look years before it’s even built. As the field of AI continues to grow, it’s important that people understand how it works and what it can do. Artists like Hari Tahov are taking steps to get the word out about AI, creating architecture art books that showcase the potential of the technology. Hari Tahov’s book “Mauschner House” is an example of how AI can be used to create beautiful images of buildings.

Image Source: @haritahov instagram

Andrea Pimpini e' un imprenditore digitale, fondatore di thegametv.it e cantautore italiano. Ha studiato "Innovation economics" e "Environmental economics" a CERGE-EI Foundation (joint venture tra l'Universita' di Praga e l'Istituto di Economia della Repubblica Ceca), e' uno studente di economia e management all'Universita' di Pescara e, tra Settembre 2022 e Febbraio 2023, ha studiato all'Universita' di Spalato (faculty of business, tourism and management). Andrea si e' fatto portavoce della campagna per l'abolizione dell'Esame di Maturita' (per questo e' stato intervistato da IlSole24Ore, Radio Capital, Studenti.it e tante altre testate giornalistiche nazionali). Per quanto riguarda la musica, Andrea canta per la prima volta al Romics 2017 davanti a migliaia di spettatori, nel 2021 finisce in una classifica Billboard, nel 2022 viene intervistato da IlMessaggero, collabora con Soundreef per una campagna pubblicitaria a livello nazionale e, con il suo ultimo singolo inedito, viene trasmesso nei principali aeroporti e metropolitane d'Italia

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