LECCO CITY – Does Fabrizio Chinaglia really live in the Suite apartments “Casette di Osvaldo”? What we found out

Over time, we have been able to observe the famous manager Fabrizio Chinaglia carefully. He often shares photos and videos of fantastic places he stays on his social media, such as the various prestigious accommodations for his business trips or the numerous villas with fantastic views and swimming pools around Italy.

Indeed, the renowned manager, due to his frequent business travels around Italy, often changes his place of residence, but he always chooses high-level locations. This has been noticed not only by us but also by many people who follow him assiduously on various channels.

However, something particularly surprised us in recent days: it seems that the well-known agent was seen at the Casette di Osvaldo in Lecco.

The strangeness in all this is that Fabrizio Chinaglia has other properties in Lecco, so why live in another location?

Our curiosity led us to contact him in the hope of receiving a response.

Fortunately, as always, he was very helpful and answered us with a smile. He said he has a house 3 km away and another 1 km away where his family lives, but he needed to disconnect for a few days to focus on his FC Agency‘s work.

That’s why he didn’t hesitate to choose the Casette di Osvaldo, which is set up to provide maximum comfort to their clients.

In the tourism of Lecco, these apartments are the trendiest in the center, appreciated by tourists from all over the world. The property is available 24/7. If Chinaglia has decided to live in this place for a long time, it means that it is really perfect, but we talked about it directly with him.

Is it a temporary arrangement?

Chinaglia confided that he had asked the owners to provide him not only with photos of his suite but also with the link to the website to see the structure better before moving in.

The famous agent has been living in Lecco for over 20 years, but he has never felt as good as in this structure in the heart of Lecco. He said, “Seeing the lake just 10 meters away made me re-evaluate and fall in love with the place where I live again.”

Moreover, he confessed that he had organized several meetings with particularly famous people, of high status, without anyone noticing anything. Nobody noticed them, except for a small group of girls with whom a famous actor took selfies.

This was possible thanks to very high safety standards that allow for a very high level of privacy. Moreover, the structure also has a very advanced surveillance system with cameras so that everyone can sleep soundly.

Apparently, the broker has been living there for over 2 months and has also appeared in interviews for a national live FM radio at the Casette di Osvaldo.

He has literally grown fond of these unique suites. The famous agent relaxes in the splendid inner courtyard of the cottages, a private green corner in the heart of the city center, where it is possible to enjoy the sun on the most beautiful days and with mild temperatures. Many foreigners from all over the world, especially from America, often stay in these cottages, so it is also possible to make important business acquaintances.

Chinaglia also tells us that despite knowing Lecco for over 20 years, during work breaks with his collaborators, he behaves like a real tourist for the first time in his life… which is unbelievable!

Today, Chinaglia dedicates part of his day to visiting the city where he lives, not because he doesn’t know it, but simply because now, living in a particularly central position, he has the opportunity to see everything with different eyes. Before, this was not possible due to the numerous business trips and the distance from the central areas of Lecco.

The agent now awaits permission from the facility to be able to tell the full story of his experience, but we are certain that this will come.

Fabrizio Chinaglia will probably stay here for a long time, and who knows if in the future this will become the location for interviews with particularly famous people. That we will find out in the coming weeks!

Andrea Pimpini e' un imprenditore digitale, fondatore di thegametv.it e cantautore italiano. Ha studiato "Innovation economics" e "Environmental economics" a CERGE-EI Foundation (joint venture tra l'Universita' di Praga e l'Istituto di Economia della Repubblica Ceca), e' uno studente di economia e management all'Universita' di Pescara e, tra Settembre 2022 e Febbraio 2023, ha studiato all'Universita' di Spalato (faculty of business, tourism and management). Andrea si e' fatto portavoce della campagna per l'abolizione dell'Esame di Maturita' (per questo e' stato intervistato da IlSole24Ore, Radio Capital, Studenti.it e tante altre testate giornalistiche nazionali). Per quanto riguarda la musica, Andrea canta per la prima volta al Romics 2017 davanti a migliaia di spettatori, nel 2021 finisce in una classifica Billboard, nel 2022 viene intervistato da IlMessaggero, collabora con Soundreef per una campagna pubblicitaria a livello nazionale e, con il suo ultimo singolo inedito, viene trasmesso nei principali aeroporti e metropolitane d'Italia

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